Saturday, May 9, 2009

i'm back!!

i know it has been way to long since i last updated, but in my defense this new little one has been keeping me sick for pretty much the entire past month! i even had to spend a couple days in the hospital for dehydration! crazy!! my doctor thinks maybe it's a little girl since i didn't get this sick with major..time will tell! i'm finally through my first trimester and so far feeling soooo much better!! i went to the doctor the other day and my due date is November 17! we are so excited!! we also celebrated tanner and kelsey's wedding on april 25th!! it was so beautiful and so much fun and we are so excited that kelsey is officially a part of our family! they make such a wonderful pair and we love them so much! major and levi were the cutest two little men i have ever seen in tux's and they did an amazing job walking down that aisle! i think that i speak for darby and myself that we were both sending up prayers to heaven that they wouldn't have a meltdown right in the middle of the church! they did amazing! today major and i spent some time out at lolly's house scrapbookin and playin! lily was feeding major his applesauce and he was laughing so hard everytime that most of the applesauce came right back out after every bite! the video is pretty funny and i just can't get enough of his laugh! hopefully it won't be so long before the next update!!